Media Kit
Start Building a Partnership with us Today. Partner with W.D.O.P.E. Dopetrackz Radio and broadcast your message to listeners and Social Media Communities worldwide with our Advertising Campaign Services.
Audience Profiles

The average female visitor is
18-34 years old

The average male visitor is
18-34 years old
Why you should choose Dopetrackz Radio

Dopetrackz Radio is a leading media company with a great reach through radio, digital, and social media outlets. Leverage Dopetrackz Radio’s engaged consumer relationships and unprecedented local and national multi-platform reach to drive your media plans.

Get your business in front of the hip-hop community with Dopetrackz Radio. Our online hip-hop radio station is featured on over 25+ online radio apps, and available on all Android and Alexa devices. We’re calling on small businesses and sponsors to advertise on our platform through online radio advertisements, social media promotions, and display advertising on our official station website.

We offer a range of advertising options, you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your products, services, and events with custom-made radio and online advertisements.
Digital Ad Specs
Ad Type | Description | File/Creative Type | Device |
Radio Commercial | 60-second commercials or shorter commercials – in 30-second, 15-second, or 10-second intervals. (Advertisers must provide copy of Commercial Audio File / If not available Advertising Content can be produced to specifications *Free of Charge*) Radio Ads will run 8 times a day for an annual Advertising Subscription Plan. | MP3 | WAV | Desktop, Tablet, Mobile |
Leaderboard | Our official station website offers 728 x 90 Banner Ads that are displayed on top of our page alongside a dedicated Sponsors page to attract attention and give more information than a typical display ad. | GIF/JPEG – PNG | Desktop, Tablet, Mobile |
Youtube | Looking for the impact of video in your on-line advertising? Dopetrackz Radio offers video commercial uploads to our dedicated Youtube channel. (Advertisers must provide copy of Commercial Video File / If not available Advertising Content can be produced to specifications *Free of Charge*). | MP4 | H.264 | Desktop, Tablet, Mobile |
Social Media | Weekly Social Media Posts on all of our platforms including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok. A very easy way to get involved with a digital presence. All of our sponsors get web site exposure with links to their selected URL. | GIF/JPEG – 250KB | HTML 5 – 500KB | Desktop, Tablet, Mobile |
Our Package
Monthly or Annual Advertising subscription plan, your radio ads will run eight times a day Monthly.
You will air ON OVER 25+ ONLINE RADIO APPS and all Android and Alexa devices. Including: live streaming, social media on site & banners on site Monthly.
- 200,000 Guaranteed impressions
- 3x Guaranteed live streaming services
Total Cost:
Monthly Subscription for $30
Annual Subscription for $300 (Save 16%)